Welcome to Turkey Mountain

This blog is to help our members by providing information as the seasons change to keep us all in the game no matter what the game. Our first blog post will be an outline of our business model here at Turkey Mountain Taxidermy and what we are looking forward to this season.

It is late July and we are now full swing in our summer deer scouting efforts running cell cameras on several different WMA properties in NW Ga. Currently we are finishing up all of our 2020-21 mounts and looking forward to fall. This past year has been a whirlwind that saw us grow in many ways, we mounted 75 deer last year and for a first year in business I must say it was amazing as well as challenging. We made critical purchases including our 24 hour tanning machine and designing our app allowing for the most streamline process we can come up with.

In season mounts are hard to complete as we are taking in often multiple deer a day leading us to focus our In-season time tanning and prepping all the hides. We will offer a premium white glove service in season that will produce a 45 day turn around. Our main focus will be maximizing our efforts in the months between seasons, mounting 11 deer a month Jan-Aug resulting in a target of 100 deer for our 2021-22 season.

The website and app allows our customers to know when to expect their mounts done as booking your spot is as easy as downloading the app and paying your deposit for the month you want. This method allows us to several advantages including the ability to book a spot with us before you even kill a deer. Thats right! You can get in line before your buck even hits the ground! BUT if you don’t get him its up to you to sell your spot.


Caping your trophy